"Where Westchester Learns To Ride!"
Twin Lakes Farm is open 7 days per week by appointment for lessons !
Please email at info@twinlakesfarm.com for more information and to book a lesson!

Twin Lakes Farm- The South Campus
The South Barn houses our USEF Show Team and the Boarding/Leasing programs of the farm. These are the riders who own or lease a horse and compete for local and national titles in the hunter, jumper and hunt seat equitation diciplines of the sport.
Our "Team Blue" is made up of both adult and junior riders who lesson several times a week and ride their horses daily. Each day is filled with instruction, practice time and plenty of fun in the barn with friends. Riders lesson a minimum of twice a week- in both private and small group settings.
About Us- The Show Team
Our Twin Lakes Farm Show Team can be spotted all over the circuit in their tell-tale blue jackets and covered in ribbons! Our Team competes in over 80 horse shows a year- both locally and “travel team!” Twin Lakes hosts seven USEF rated show dates a year; as well as attends shows all over the local area. We go on the road to HITS, Vermont Summer Festival, Ocala FL , and everywhere the shows are! We can be spotted at Pony Finals, Zone II Hunter Finals, Marshall and Sterling Finals, CHJA Finals, and (of course!) the FW-PHA Finals- check the winner’s circle to find us! Check out our show pictures to watch us having fun on the road together!
Our Team is composed of both private and TLF-owned horses. Riders must make a serious commitment to riding and showing and must lease or own a show-quality horse to be on our Show Team. Our Team is made up of riders of all ages- from short-stirrup children to upper-equitation riders and adults!
Show Team riders lesson and practice together and all room together when we are on the road. We try to keep showing a team experience and Team sleep-overs and social events bring Team members together as close friends. At the beginning of every season, each Show Team member sits down with the coaches and lays out goals and plans for the upcoming season. These goals are actually written down and then referred to as the year goes on in regular discussions and meetings, to keep every student on-track with his individual progress and triumphs. Show Team is a serious business, to be sure, but we always remember that this is meant to be FUN! Our Team is always laughing and playing jokes on each other- and on their long-suffering coaches!
Non-lesson days are for working on skills while hacking independently. The South Barn sets aside TWO designated indoor hack hours per day- in order to make sure that everyone can get their riding time- even in poor weather. All hack hours are closely supervised by staff- who are on hand to field questions, help with problems or simply offer encouragement and advice.
We do our best to offer something for every rider here at Twin Lakes Farm- from the rider who lessons once a week and simply enjoys being around the horses to the serious show rider who has a specific plan for a career in horses. Twin Lakes Farm as a place for all students who love horses and want to have fun and learn
Twin Lakes hosts seven USEF rated horse show dates at the farm each year. Riders can enjoy showing without ever having to leave the property.
We welcome visitors! Call or email today to ask for a tour.